f iCheesealot


She came, she saw, she cheesed. Cheesie's guide to Cheestronomy

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Jap Review

Other stuff we had in that mysterious jap restaurant.

Assorted Tempura

Crisp crisp crisp. It's hot!

Unagi Kabayaki

A bit of a disappointment cuz it doesn't give that i-don't-wanna-brush-my-teeth-after-eating effect. I would say this is not their usual standard. Could have been better!

Ikura sushi

Ikura is my absolute fav sushi. One unwritten rule about eating sushi. You have to eat that entire piece of sushi in one bite. If not you’re loserish. Don’t ask why because you’re just like a ballerina who cannot do split.

The Ikura Sushi……It’s like a terrorist had placed bombs on the rice. The roe were high pressured capsules of aphrodisia that burst upon contact with your tongue. Every single roe explodes like the pop rocks candy.

Whoa , it is orgasmic I tell you.

Imagine every roe brings you an orgasm. Fuiyoh! Hundreds of simultaneous orgasms!!

If only Ebiko sushi is as orgasmic!


You prolly die of orgasm OD.

Soft Shell Crab Temaki

There’re a lot of funny stories about soft shell crab handroll/maki. I once ordered this soft shell crab maki in another mysterious jap restaurant, when the waitress repeated the order I heard she say “One sap sap geh maki (means wet wet crab in Cantonese).

Personally I would prefer maki to temaki (handroll) , because a temaki is categorized as one of the “forbidden food to order on first date” in iCheesalot Bible, alongside with Caesar salad and lamb rack.

You see, eating a temaki, in fact, could be a very seducing action.


Do you eat it from the tail or from the top? Whichever way, it requires great poise and grace! If done wrongly, you will end up feel like kicking yourself in the face because you just act like an oaf in front of your cutie.

Also, it depends on the freshness and quality of that particular temaki.

Uh. If you want to embarrass yourself, try sushi king’s.

Imagine the seaweed gets so limp and so difficult to tear off. When you attempt to bite it off, you risk looking like a ferocious alligator that descends upon the prey and peck at it viciously, tearing and swinging its head from side to side. And your date might find himself watching Animal Planet.

Such a beastly act of eating!!!

Okay. OTed a lil. But my point is!

This SSC Temaki is so cheesing fresh and crispy, you can just eat it top down/bottom up/sideway, whichever way you want!!

Go seduce your dreamboat now!

Oh by the way, another different angle of the temaki shot . It looks like the great offerings--3 joss sticks on the altar

Last but not least.

Macha Ice Cream

Still, the rock melon was waaaaaaay better.


Friday, March 24, 2006

What rocks? Melon rocks!!

Yes people you are a cheesnius. Rock melon it is. And it is not a normal rock melon. It rocks.

The melon rind

The sliced melon

Let's take a closer look of that juicy flesh

Mozzie and I had this out of the world melon in a mysterious Japanese restaurant. Believe it or not. Two slices of this melon is RM three figure.


Wahaha now you regretted guessing it right because you will have to buy me (better still me and Mozzie) that RM three-figure rock melons for lunch. We promise we won’t ask for more. =D

It’s freaking ex la, but it’s like once in the life time experience lor.

Let me tell you why the melon is sooooooo good.


Yea that was how good it was. Mozzie and I went completely speechless. In fact I still don’t know what to say about it. Let me try.

It tastes like a piece of melon without fiber, sort of like a scoop of 100% melon sorbet, only 100,000 times better. I can just say it melts on your tongue like an ice cube in a hot oven. It fell apart and so did I, over the intense sense of euphoria.

Good things always melt in your mouth don’t you think so? *winks*

The most premium food are kinda melty anyway. Like Foie Gras, Melty Kisses (Strawberry please), Danish cream cheese… and… ROCK MELON!

Hmmm, since I cannot aptly describe the exact euphoric taste of a heavenly slice of rock melon, lemmi quote some of Mozzie’s lines to give you a more comprehensive picture of it.

“I wish my saliva tastes like this rock melon juice.”

“If only i ate enough for me to turn into a rockmelon cheese.”

“That aiyo-sudden-burst-of-flavor is so tsunami, katrina, el nino, la nina everything. okay okay, don't say i'm not patriotic, so kinabalu also can.”

“It is so good, I think I can puke it out and eat it back again and it will still taste a gazillion times better than honey dew”


The last one is gross la.

Anycheese. THAT is what I would call a perfect ending to a wonderful meal. No amount of Tiramisu or Crème Brulee whatsoever can ever beat that.

And trust me. No more honey dew for the rest of your life!

By the way I’m absolutely joking about the lunch thing. You can save it. I only wanna dine with the first person who answered my question correctly. You lucky bunny =D

Stay cheesed for more reviews!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Choccie Review #3

After Eight Irish Cream

So what is it? You can’t eat it before eight? Siao ah.

Imagine when out of the yellow you have a lil dying cravie for a piece of irish cream choccie and you look at the clock, it is 6.30pm!!

So potong steam right?

But fret not. It doesn’t say whether it’s after 8am or after 8pm. So technically anytime is after eight. Wahahah!! Why am I so smart, mom?

Before i even open the box, the strong aroma of irish cream could already send me to drunkville ( I’m a bad, bad drinker). The dark chocolate is not bitter enough to balance the tooth-rotting sweetness of the irish cream fondant. It might get a little too cloying after eight after eights.

Mozzie and I both agree that After Eight Mint is still way better. Classic. But i would still say it was worth trying, it's after eight after all.

I like how every piece of choccie is individually wrapped with a thin paper so they dont kiss each others' butts and so that your hand don’t get sticky too. But some say that’s the fun of it—getting your fingers muddy with choc, so that you can lick it, or get someone to lick it (for example your Chinkerbell Maltese) !


Choccie Points: 6.5

Meiji Choco Petite Assorted

(from left to right: Marble Strawberry Chocolate, Coffee Beat, Choco Baby, Apollo Strawberry Choco Drops, Marble Chocolate )

Don’t be deceived by the packaging.

Uhm. Let me rephrase. DO, be deceived by the packaging.

Wait that still sounds wrong. Ok nevermind. Let me tell you.

I bought this only because I was feeling particularly aesthetically aroused that day. You know, like how sometimes you look at beautiful things and you just wanna have them, whether they are of use or not, and even if you might regret having them later on. For example, (girls please look at whichever item covered with spiderweb in your closet and shoe rack) and (guys please refer to how Nick Lachey feels about this [then] wife).

I’ve never expected the content beneath the packaging to be even remotely tasty.


It was in fact so good, Mozzie and I almost fell off the ground and lolled on the ceiling.

They are so mini, so tasty, so pretty.

We both like “Coffee Beat” the most. It looks and tastes excreamly coffee bean like. Like how the uncrushed bits of coffee beans in your Ultimate Mocha explode on your tongue and give you that few second orgasmic high. lol.

But still I need to control my caffeine intake so Mozzie, you can have a whole box to yourself. Bah.


I love Choco Baby too. It is so so tiny, so so infant, so so lovable, so soft and tender, just like babies (If you are observant enough, some Babies have a star shape filling on the bottom end). You just wanna pop them all into your ingestion orifice at one go and masticate every juicy bit of them.

*insert lickerish cannibal-like guffaws here*

Choccie Points: 7

P/S: Just feeling abit horny today. Don't blame me, blame the choccie! LOL.

Friday, February 24, 2006

But the thing is

He found someone else and they live cheesily ever after.

*inserts glass-breaking sound effect*

Monday, February 13, 2006

I found my Mr (almost) Perfect this Valentine’s.

Here I would eagerly like to declare my eternal love to this special somecheese, whom I’ve been secretly admiring for a looooooong time.

I actually wanted to talk about him earlier, but I was a bit shy and unsure. Those who are observant should notice I have been talking a lot about him lately… *blushes*

But I guess today is the day to let it all out. It’s crystal clear. I’m sure he’s the one.

Nocheese is 100% perfect. When I found this Mr 91% perfect (the remaining 9% belongs to the flaws I’m gonna pick on him after our engagement.) , I fell completely head over cheese in love with him.

He has that X factor that makes you go “whoaaaa” non-stop.

Cheesh, he looks sextremely cute. Not to mention sextremely sexy too. Everytime I look at him I just wanna strip him off his clothes. Rawrrrr… *sniggers emo*

And the best thing is, I will never get fed up with him. He is just too nice to get sick of.

And the bestest thing is, he is damn rich!!!!

Cheesus Crust. I’ve never met someone so rich in my life. Mozzie always say I will eventually marry a rich cheese. I think I will. And. Live cheesilyeverafter. ^-^

Damn. I can’t wait to propose to him already. Wish me luck.

My Mr 91% perfect.

And remember. He’s the richest cheese in the world.

It is official.



The sexiest and richest cheese in the world.

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Saturday, February 11, 2006

Café Café

I’ve been wanting to dine in Café Café since 3 years ago.

I know distance is a lame excuse, cuz a cheeser like me will go to great length for good food.

I panicked after reading/hearing more and more comments from friends who have visited this lovely café.

“It’s uber romantic. You'll fall in love with that place, trust me.”
“The food is soooo good! So cheesy!!”
“Cheesie you MUST go. No matter what. Take a cab or something.”
“OMG how can you not have been to Café Café?!”

Yea. Like, how can I not have been to Café Café.


Café Café has been officially cheesily devoured. Muahahaha.

I don’t know how to describe this place. It is said to be quintessentially Parisian-- echoes of the combination of Le Quartier du Marais, Montmartre together with a touch of Moulin Rough (sic, quoted from its original website).

But whatever man, me ain't artsy-cheesy. In plain cheesie term—Cheesarific. Period.

Just hold your breath the moment you step inside

Dangling crystals from the ceiling, all over. Wish upon a crystal!

Errm, the combination of Le Quartier du Marais, Montmartre together with a touch of Moulin Rough?! lol.

My photography sucks ok. Please visit Café Café’s website to check out the professional photos. You’ll love'em.

Now let’s move on to food!!!


Escargot topped with foie gras and truffles

I didn’t have this. I’m escargot-phobic. (Tabacco allergic, caffeine intolerant… I know!! >_<)

Pan-seared foie gras

Babybelle: Dollies, you HAVE TO try this.

(*kan cheongs* in case they go crazy over it, i die la. i'll have only the gravvy all to myself. lol.)

Princess: *not interested* I like my duck.
Tiara: *hesitates* Erm… No thanx..
Dazzling: *gasps* I'm sooo full. I’ve had a three course meal in TGIF!
Angel: *shakes head* on diet.

Babybelle holding a fork with a mellow juicy piece of foie gras, staring at Jewel.

Jewel: oooookay… *opens her mouth*
Jewel: 0_o (for 10 second)
Jewel: I sooooooo regretted having escargot. Can we swap?
Babybelle: Muahahaha no.

This. is. the. bestestest. Foie. Gras. in. the. world.

I went speechless for one whole minute before I could tell them how good it was.

It just melts on your tongue like that. And… forgive me, I still can’t describe how good it was.

I think, Café Café should modify their set menu a little. This pan seared Foie Gras should be served as a dessert, because you simply don’t feel like eating any thing else after just one bite. You just don’t want other taste to overlap this Foie Gras intoxication. Trust me, you don’t even feel like brushing your teeth before you sleep because you want it lingers into your dream.

I’m serious you know. Next time I’ll order it as a dessert.

Foie Gras Salad

Foie Gras again. This time with salad. Just as intoxicating.


Fettuccini with white truffles sauce

I always wonder how truffle tastes like. Of course I have tried truffles. Like, chocolate truffle. But the real truffle?

Truffles and Foie Gras are Café Café’s specialty.

10 out of 10 for Foie Gras. This truffle sauce… hmmm… It’s no doubt very rich in erm… truffles?

The thing is, after eating the pasta, I still don’t know how truffle taste like. lol.

But someone said it tasted like petroleum?!?


I didn’t finish it though. (and the waiter asked if there’s anything wrong with it *paiseh*) because someone wouldn’t want to help me with it. Cutting carbs, bah!

Grilled cod and scallop

The presentation reminds me of the Egyptian Pyramids. It looks like the skid that could transfer bricks/stones to the pyramid site.

Imagine the scallop is one huge block of stone, and is being carried on the skid (the cod body) on four giant rolling leeks, in a pool of uhm… mud?

Enough nonsense. Go on and I might ruin your appetite. Hehe.

But look at the texture of the cod. It was just so fresh. Gravvy is greenish, but you can’t see clearly because the color of this photo is hopelessly irreparable.

Just don’t quite fancy the giant rollers though.



Sorry for the bad picture, again. But the good news is, it’s better than what it looks. =D

Crème Brulee with Espresso and Amaretto

Jewel loves Crème Brulee.
Jewel loves Amaretto.
So this is like double the love.

For the first time we ate Crème Brulee differently. Jewel kept pouring Amaretto and I kept filling it with espresso.

The espresso was too good I went a tad espresso OD. Hence the disastrous insomnia.
Price to pay for good dessert!

Grand Marnier

Neat. So it's extremely tangy.
As if I’ve not gotten enough of Tiramisu.
But where’s my frangelico?!

The dolls love Café Café.
Me loves Café Café.
Everybody loves Café Café.

It’s harder to find people who dislike Café Café than people who love Britney Spears.

So, “OMG how can you not have been to Café Café?!”


Saturday, February 04, 2006

Cheese of the day #7

Got these snacks from Taipei. Some are supposedly Xmas tidbits but somehow they became my CNY snacks.

Doritos Spicy Cheese Nachos

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It is a Xmas special. The Nachos are in Xmas tree shapes. How cute! There’s another Guacamole version and I personally prefer that, because this is way, too, spicy.

What to do. I’m a lemon herb person when it comes to Nando’s.

Doritos Golden Cheese Nachos
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Another fancy packaging which is pointless. It doesn’t taste any different from the normal Doritos except it is a tad sweeter, I guess. Cheesh, more like tomatoish.

Cheetos Crunchy
(Super hot god, oh, typo, dog I mean).

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And limited time only.

Mom lagi chun. She didn’t want to eat it because she thought it was spicy, because she read “Super Hot”. But how could she not see the dog. It is printed so big.

These are like twisties, nothing too hotgoddy. Cheesh whats wrong with me. Hotdoggy. Alright.

Oh and here comes the classic.

可乐果 试嚼系
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Cheesh. Read that. That. Is the most creative pun I’ve ever seen on a cheese snack packaging. Ever.

It’s garlic&cheese snack, there’s no exact translation to it. The nearest I could get is prolly “Don’t pretend. I’m cheesed!” But that’s too far from its original meaning.

Are Taiwanese cheesnius or what?

Too bad la if you don’t read Chinese. You just missed the joke made of Garlic and Cheese. Go ask your non-banana friend.

Alternatively, consult me. I charge by minute this time.